Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention, Victims Impact Panels
Everyone deserves relationships free from domestic violence. Healthy, safe relationships are the foundation of a good life.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Everything you need to meet your requirements! Enrollment is easy. Work at your own pace from your laptop or smart phone... Your account will contain all enrolled courses and all certificates earned. Instantly download your certificate and send it to anyone!
Enrollment Proof
Downloadable Personalized Certificate
Weekly Email Reminders to Complete Training
Enrollment Proof, Instant Certificate, and eMail Reminders Included.
"Shaken Baby Syndrome" A Comprehensive Guide for All Child Care Givers, 2-hours
A Comprehensive Guide for All Child Care Givers, 2-hours
Includes 1-hour of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 8-hours total
Including 1-hour of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 16-hours
Includes 2-hours of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 24-hours
Includes 3-hours of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 32-hours
Includes 4-hours of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 40-hours
Includes 4-hours of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 48-hours
Includes 5-hours of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 56-hours
Includes 6-hours of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 64-hours
Includes 7-hours of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 72-hours
Includes 10-hours of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 104-hours (12-months)
Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention, Intimate Partner Violence, Victims Impact Panels (S)
1-hour, Free